Robotic Process Automation.
StereoLOGIC helps to Accelerate the Implementation of RPA and Reduce the Risk of Failure.

“Everyone is buying bots, but what are you going to use them for? It starts with understanding the process and then applying the right technology.”
Scott Gorman, SVP New Business and Product Development, Ivari
An Ernst and Young study found 30% to 50% of RPA engagements fail and cites planning as the difference between success and failure. These planning challenges result from misunderstood business processes, their frequency and time metrics, which today are still analyzed manually.
You have chosen processes for RPA.
What’s next?
According to Deloitte, 63% of organizations report their expectation of time to implement RPA was not met. This is not surprising, since most companies rely on manual process analysis and specifications that is slow and delays the RPA implementation.
Manually discovering processes not only takes too long, it gives inaccurate information to RPA planners and developers.
StereoLOGIC delivers automated process discovery and task mining providing value on each step, from RPA planning to implementation.
Today only 3% of organizations have deployed more than 50 robots, which indicates very few companies get sufficient value from RPA to deploy it widely. Only very few companies get sufficient operational gains from RPA:
- Should I really use RPA for my business process?
- How to prioritize RPA candidates?
- How to calculate potential FTE cost-savings?
- How to generate precise process documentation required by RPA developers?
- Discovery and prioritization of automation opportunities
- Accurate, complete and detailed process maps
- Process exceptions and deviations
- Detailed documentation for RPA developers
- Use StereoLOGIC to extract and optimize End-to-End business processes
- Within this broader map, automatically identify the repeating process patterns which are potential candidates for RPA
- Prioritize these candidates based on the frequency and the total time spent by employees on each candidate pattern
- Calculate potential FTE cost savings for each candidate pattern
At the stage of process scenarios preparation for bot development, StereoLOGIC generates detailed specifications including UI screens, user actions, IT system info, and time for each activity and the entire process. StereoLOGIC approach guarantees completeness of process scenarios including most “painful” exceptions.
The bot development itself is accelerated due to precise input specifications and removed misunderstanding and rework. At StereoLOGIC, You can see how your RPA team can investigate a business area to discover automation opportunities faster, make your engagements more repeatable and ensure value delivered by RPA on every assignment undertaken.

Operational Intelligence.
The key
differentiator of StereoLOGIC is its immediate adaptation
to changing operational priorities and ability to provide real time answers to sudden requests.

Digital Transformation
StereoLOGIC provides a real-time holistic view of all employee processes, tasks
and systems before, during and after transformation.
Reduces risk, accelerates project timelines, and insures successful results.

Digital Optimization
StereoLOGIC provides an un-paralleled 360° view into your AML operations available within a few days.