Operational Intelligence with StereoLOGIC as Agile as Your Business.
Always have up-to-date picture of “what is going on” and how to improve it.

Real-time business analytics, diagnostics and optimization.
One of the key differentiators of StereoLOGIC is its immediate adaptation to changing operational priorities and ability to provide real time answers to sudden requests.
StereoLOGIC will provide you with accurate and real-time answers to questions like:
- How to optimize your business processes in a short time
- Processes which could be automated with maximum ROI
- Root causes of errors and delays
- Deviations from the best practices?
- Time spent in various systems
- FTE allocation to task
- Which processes take most of the workday
- E2E case processing time
- Risk and Compliance violations
- And more...
Diagnostics Beyond KPIs
StereoLOGIC will monitor your business KPIs, detects non-value add activities and provide comprehensive reports and dashboards.
But just informing you that your employees spend too much time updating client information is not enough by our standards.
With StereoLOGIC you will know the exact causes for the performance delay. Be it a one-off problem or a repeated pattern such as legacy IT system, poor user interface, incoming data quality or poor collaboration - you will know it all.
For any given KPI, StereoLOGIC will provide detailed replay of actual employee activities, including user/screen interactions, time spent, and IT systems used.
Monitor to Improve
With StereoLOGIC monitoring, you know every activity on which your employees’ time is spent. You can easily reveal non-value add activities, non-work related activities, process inefficiencies and training issues.
For every detected inefficiency, StereoLOGIC will provide the wasted FTE to generate the ROI projection for your next process improvement or automation project.
Client and Employee Experience
How much time is spent on servicing each client? Why does it take so long? How to accelerate the service?
StereoLOGIC will provide you with both the client and employee perspectives without interviewing any of them.
You will know exactly each employee’s step, each system screen they use with all the associated usability quirks and delays. Whether the service delay is caused by an old CRM, too many manual steps or too much work in Outlook and Excel you will immediately be aware of it.
Compliance and Conformance to Standard Process
You have a best practice, but does everyone follow it? Can you instantly detect violations of your Compliance Policies?
StereoLOGIC provides an Employee Score Card, assessing employees’ conformance to best practices and performance against a defined SLA.
Each Employee Score Card shows deviations from the prescribed process, missing required steps and wrong steps that should not be performed. The Score Card also shows the employee performance against a defined SLA assuring not just accurate but also timely performance.
Easy Start and Quick Results
You do not need to install anything on your employee desktops. StereoLOGIC monitoring is instantly activated by opening a browser and entering a URL. StereoLOGIC will monitor employee’s processes across all applications and office tools regardless of the underlying technology. Even your custom one-of-a-kind apps are supported.
The data is collected on best-in-class secure enterprise server hosted either on premises or in the cloud.
Whether your employees work from home or in globally distributed offices and service centers, StereoLOGIC is ready to help you accomplish the highest performance, service quality and efficiency in your operations.
StereoLOGIC provides answers to your operational questions.

With StereoLOGIC you know where your delays are and what is their root cause.

Digital Transformation
StereoLOGIC provides a real-time holistic view of all employee processes, tasks
and systems before, during and after transformation.
Reduces risk, accelerates project timelines, and insures successful results.

Robotic Process Automation
StereoLOGIC enables your organization to achieve RPA acceleration,
generating detailed process maps and documentation with UI screens for each step, which is utilized
as a critical input for RPA development.

Digital Optimization
StereoLOGIC provides an un-paralleled 360° view into your AML operations available within a few days.